Darragh Free Technique Page
Guillotine From Deep Half Guard
Darragh O Connaill
From Dublin Ireland, Darragh was a competitive rugby player from age 8 to 18. Looking to transition into another sport to stay fit Darragh found BJJ. Since then he has not looked back. Over the course of his 13+ years in BJJ/Grappling, Darragh has competed in every major event across the globe. Winning major events such as No-Gi Europeans, American Nationals, London Open, Finnish Open and more. Darragh began teaching as a Purple belt when his coach retired from the martial arts he took over his academy. Since then he built his team (East Coast Jiu-Jitsu Academy) into one of Europe’s strongest teams. Even coaching athletes to World Championship titles at the black belt level.Grappling Game.
Grappling Game
Being one of the most experienced grapplers in his training room since the Purple belt. Darragh took it upon himself to learn from the best grapplers around the world. Traveling all over to learn and compete. He would also watch endless amounts of technique and competition videos while home in Ireland. He developed a unique game creating his own unique positions and variations of existing techniques. Always open to a challenge, Darragh took on absolute divisions and any ruleset of competition. These experiences influenced him to become an efficient grappler who chases the submission. Because Darragh has coached for most of his grappling career, he has learned how to best breakdown and explain his grappling techniques.
Upgrade Your Grappling With Darragh: